Watchman Willie Martin Archive


������ A Controversial New Look At Gen. Douglas MacArthur

� Date:

������ Sun, 11 Aug 2002 16:59:19 ‑0700

� From:

������ "Bob Jones" <[email protected]>

��� To:

������ "dragonslayer" <[email protected]>

Gee, It looks like Macarthur was a TRAITOR right along with Ole Frankie Rosenfelt! He

was a 33 Degree Mason for all the Mason Conspiracy folks out there! (Masonry hasn't

been much in the loop for 117 years or so!) More Light & Truth always coming to

surface! But then again, you don't go far in the military if you don't "Go along to get

along"! Looks like he went along for the ride!� MBJ��� P.S. Folks, WAKE UP! All the

"Sacred Cows" so to speak are coming down! All the churches have long ago been

taken over by the jews (catholics) & jew/jesuits (all protestants) & you will not find

YHVH'S True Word being Preached in any organized denominational church

anywhere, PERIOD! All the so called militaries are just "mercenary hitmen" for the

phony jew con‑trolled defacto governments they work for, PERIOD! There is NO

Honor or Patriotism in the military, no matter how much the jew officers & jew

politicians say there is, "IT IS ALL A GIANT JEW SCAM"! Like all the jew scams out


WANT TO BELIEVERS! I know that is hard for people to believe that have been in the

military & their families, none the less, WAKE UP & SMELL THE COFFEE!!! THE JEWS


SUCKER LONG ENOUGH??? Or would you rather bury your head in the sand &

"Pretend" the jews are honest with you??? TRUTH HURTS SOMETIMES, GET OVER



����������� A Controversial New Look At Gen. Douglas MacArthur

�A new book focusing on MacArthur�s defeat in the Philippines is a thoroughly researched and nicely polished

��������������������������� book covering his controversial early career.

�������������������� ������������Exclusive to American Free Press

���������������������������������������� By John Tiffany

Gen. Douglas MacArthur is arguably among the most puzzling of U.S. military leaders of the 20th century. Ever since the

war, there have been many, including veterans who served under MacArthur, who hated him, while others have praised him

as a great strategist. In his later years, conservatives repeatedly tried to run him for president of the United States. He

certainly gave the impression of being a great anti‑communist leader during the Korean War, in which he strongly opposed

the U.S. government�s attempt to fight only a limited, no‑win war.

But what about MacArthur�s earlier years, at the beginning of World War II? Richard Connaughton�s new book, MacArthur

and Defeat in the Philippines, gives us a balanced view of the controversial leader.

The destruction of MacArthur�s air forces on the ground after nine hours warning and direct orders to bomb Formosa

(Taiwan) may have been the greatest blunder in the history of war, and his loss of the Philippines was the greatest defeat of

the U.S. Army.

It is remarkable how MacArthur not only escaped any reprimand, but kept his command and got his fourth star on Dec. 17

and a Congressional Medal of Honor for �gallantry and intrepidity� at Bataan, where he spent part of only one day, Jan. 10,

1942, on inspection.

He was awarded the medal after he had already fled and left his troops. His ultimate reward was orders to leave the

Philippines with his family while his soldiers were subjected to the brutality of the Bataan Death March.

The defense of the Philippines cannot be understood in terms of conventional military strategy. In those terms it was one

incomprehensible blunder after another, done with due deliberation and afterward profusely rewarded.

Just as Clauswitz said war is politics by other means, the sacrifice of the Philippines can only be understood in the larger

political context. Those who attempt an analysis of local decisions by MacArthur miss the point that President Franklin D.

Roosevelt was actually calling the shots. His motivations, not MacArthur�s, are at issue.

The sacrifice of the 31,095 Americans and 80,000 Filipino troops with 26,000 refugees on Bataan is a separate issue from

the sacrifice of the Army Air Corps at Clark and Iba air fields. The bombers were sacrificed, not only to facilitate the loss of

the Philippines, but more immediately to sucker Adolf Hitler into declaring war on the United States; and events in the

Philippines are analogous to Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor and the �fall� of the Philippines were moves by President Franklin

Roosevelt to wind up the American psychology to full war fever.


Who benefited from Japan�s temporary ascendancy and the war dragging on?

It was obvious that when the Japanese empire collapsed, there would be a power vacuum in Asia. The ultimate question of

the Pacific War was who would fill that vacuum. Who would take China?

Roosevelt wanted the Soviet communists to fill the vacuum and therefore had to prolong the war so the USSR could pick up

the pieces.

Because the Soviet Union had its hands full fighting Germany and could not dominate Asia until the war in Europe was under

control, delay in the defeat of Japan was necessary. Bataan was a pawn in a larger game. The �Battling Bastards of Bataan�

never understood what was going on well enough to ask the critical question of who their real enemy was. It was Roosevelt.

The orders to fight on all beaches and not supply Bataan were nothing less than the deliberate sacrifice of 31,095 Americans.

MacArthur was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (CMoH) for his leadership in defense of the Philippines after

Pearl Harbor, but the award was not properly earned.

The CMoH is intended for personal accomplishment on the field of battle, at personal risk. MacArthur was indeed at risk

during the fall of the Philippines, but that was only because he wouldn�t take cover during bombardments of Corregidor, not

because he was doing anything particularly damaging to the Japanese. His leadership would have been just as effective had

he stayed in the bowels of Malinta Tunnel (where he belonged). And obviously a CMoH would not then have been


However, the fall of the Philippines was a severe defeat for the United States, and something had to be saved in terms of

morale. MacArthur was personally identified with the Philippines, and the U.S. Army Forces in the Far East�s holding out as

long as they did was at least a �moral victory.� By decorating MacArthur, the U.S. government could put some positive spin

on this defeat. This political objective was the only real reason for awarding the CMoH to MacArthur.

There were several critical steps to the choreographed giveaway of the Philippines to the Japanese. Among them, were these

items: (1) The U.S. bombers were sacrificed on the ground. (2) MacArthur prevented food, ammunition, gas and other

supplies from being stored on Bataan. (3) The remaining U.S. air forces were sent away on Dec. 17 just as the main

Japanese force approached in convoy without air cover. H MacArthur and Defeat in the Philippines by Richard

Connaughton. Hardcover, $40 can be purchased from First Amendment Books, 1433 Pennsylvania Avenue SE,

Washington, D.C. No charge for S&H. You may also call 1‑888‑699‑NEWS and charge your order to Visa or


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